Bem vindos ao meu canto criativo. Não poder me expressar é quase sinônimo de não poder respirar.

segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2024


I'm always two people, the coward and the brave

I'm always fragmented between master and slave

I'm fearless like a lioness, yes frightened like a kitten

I pounce too soon; too many times have been bitten

My soul is a canvas of colors and dirt

With shades upon shades of beauty and hurt

I want to be peaceful and want to be wild

An adult perfection, an imperfect child

Between love and fear is a constant tug-of-war

Both breath and tears always compete for more

Deeper than angels have dared to explore

There is no control, there's only a thought

Of cutting the rop, untying the knot

No longer slipt. Changing the plot.